“To all people and nations and kindreds and tongues the
truth is to be proclaimed. The time has come for much aggressive work to be
done in the cities, and in all
neglected, unworked fields.”
-Review and Herald, June 23, 1904.
"Go out into the highways
and hedges, and compel them to come in, that My house may be filled,"
Christ says.
We believe that heeding to this call is the reason why Umoja
2 Seventh-Day Adventist Church has planned for city evangelism training.
Accordingly, the invitation was extended to us to conduct it and help them be
prepared for the great work ahead. It was a privilege for us to train God’s
people how to do public evangelism, personal evangelism, child evangelism and
health evangelism.
Sunday morning of the 11th day of May, before
officially beginning the training in the evening, we attended the Bible and SOP
study of a group of young people. We were really inspired as we saw their
commitment in digging deep through these books and how they have found the
treasures in it. “Present truth” believers, as we call these diligent students
of the writings coming from One source, are not only after the letter but the
spirit as well. We really Praise God for meeting, knowing and working with
Public Evangelism
…is like gardening – from planning and preparation to
preserving the harvest.
These encompassed the topics which Kenneth covered in this
subject. Some of them were: Cycle of Evangelism, Church Preparation and
Participation, Personal Preparation, and Evangelistic Preaching. The training was
attended by around 30 members, not just from the host church, but also from
different churches within the district. For the two-week sessions, they significantly
benefited from the lectures. Knowing the primary principles on this subject and
the do’s and don’ts, we believe that they have been armed to have an orderly
and successful city evangelistic campaign soon, by the grace and help of the
Master Public Evangelist.
Personal Evangelism
Not everyone is called for public evangelism but everyone is
called for personal evangelism.
“In large cities there are certain classes that cannot be
reached by public meetings.”
–Christian Service, p.113
These statements still stand true up to this era. Thus, to
help prepare the church, principles on doing personal work must be taught which
Ate Maya and I were assigned. We shared principles on How to Give Bible
Studies, Finding Receptive People, Making Friends for Christ, and Successful
Visitation Strategies, and others.
There were not merely theoretical knowledge that they've learned here but practical application too, as we did house visitations. We
were initially scheduled to do the training and visitations for just a week but
because of the need for further lectures and visitations, the church requested
for another week of our service. We Praise God for such because we, together
with the church’s young people, had gone to two different fields – a slum and a
not-so slum one. We were all blessed with rich experiences as we had ministered
to people through giving Bible studies, recommending and administering home
treatments using natural remedies to the sick, praying in each house, and even
meeting challenges along the way.
The men youth joining us in visitation |
With Agnes in my group, the only consistent lady who joined in visitations |
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Visited Mama Gladys and some of the 14 kids she is taking care of |
“By visiting the people, talking, praying, sympathizing with
them, you win hearts. This is the highest missionary work that you can do.” -Testimonies,
vol. 9, p. 41.
We Praise God for letting us experience this highest
missionary work. Truly, the joy of serving souls whom God bought with His precious
life and blood was inexpressible.
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A Mama who first called us to pray for her 'cause she wanted to be saved...Later, handed her that book |
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Visited this family whose head was the only Adventist, but at work that time |
Health Evangelism
I was privilege to share the “right arm” as a way of
doubling the effectiveness of the trainees and church members as gospel
workers. As Jesus spent more on healing the sick than in preaching during His
ministry here on earth; hence, it is a great responsibility to teach them how
they can follow the Master Medical Missionary. Facts and counsels on
vegetarianism, meat-eating, and using dairy products and eggs were among the
focus. Every session did not end questionless – but this scenario had been
expected, as it had always been. The good thing is truth will remain as truth
‘til the end, no matter how would God’s people respond to it. Whether the
message will be accepted or rejected, it is not our work. We have presented the
message as how God wanted it to be and our prayer is that the Holy Spirit’s conviction
would always visit His beloved people, that they may practice healthful living first so
they could be more effective in instructing healthful living to many souls. Nevertheless,
among the group, there were listeners who gladly and committedly took regard of
the counsels and were already practicing them – a comfort for our hearts!
How we pray that God’s people would heartily and seriously understand
the true object of medical missionary work – pointing sin-sick men and women to
the Man of Calvary and not just to make healthy sinners.
Child Evangelism
Ate Maya lecturing at Umoja 2 SDA Church |
During the course of the weeks, we conducted two child
evangelism trainings at Umoja 2 and
Starehe SDA Churches. Ate Maya and I, as we usually do, trained the parents,
teachers, and church children leaders on this. We are so pleased to present
principles to them that even some were new to their ears (as praying with the
child before inflicting punishment), opposite to what they have accustomed to
do in their churches (as doing skits and drama), and different from what they
practice in their homes and churches (as disciplining a child).
During one of my presentations at Starehe SDA Church |
In one of the
meetings, a confession from a mother stirred our hearts. She said that she had
been hearing the prophecy on Daniel 2 being presented but she couldn’t
understand it. But it was only then, when we had an actual presentation on it,
that she understood it clearly and vividly. Surely, presenting the truth in a
simple way is essential as there are adults who are but little children in
their understanding.
Praise the Lord for the new child evangelists who
dedicated themselves to suffer the children to go to Jesus!
Presenting the Unpopular Truth
Before we ended the 2-week training, an opportunity has been
given me to present on Modesty. As the request called for, jewelries,
cosmetics, dress, and modesty in conduct were covered. Question after question
had been raised after the presentation. This is not just an issue in my country
but here, too. It was really timely when I was reading the book ‘Creeping
Compromise’ by Joe Crews, which I borrowed from a friend, and was a great help in answering
the questions (apart from quoting from the inspired writings and additional inputs from the team and the brethren).
Presentation of Standards during our last Sabbath afternoon |
After all, here is what I shared to our brethren and what I’m
sharing to you too:
“When we reach the standard that the Lord would have us
reach, worldlings will regard Seventh-Day Adventists as odd, singular,
strait-laced extremists.”
-Fundamentals of Christian Education, p. 289
-Fundamentals of Christian Education, p. 289
I added, if I will be branded as such, then let it be…as
long as I’m upholding the standards of my Lord.
“Those who are uniting with the world are receiving the
worldly mold and preparing for the mark of the beast…"
-Testimonies to the Church, vol. 5, p.216
-Testimonies to the Church, vol. 5, p.216
What a strong statement that God’s people must not overlook.
Yes, we are in the world, but we are not to conform to the world! Lest, who
wanted to receive the mark of the beast? God forbid, if there’s one among God’s
chosen generation!
With the young people of Umoja SDA Church |
With the leaders, the kids, and few youths of Umoja SDA Church |
We Praise God for another family that we have found in Umoja
2 SDA Church. Another family that has been equipped to usher the coming of the
Saviour of Mankind and help prepare a people for His soonest return!
Our reverent prayer is all of them will stand for the right
though the heavens fall!