Sunday, March 23, 2014

All About Jesus

    This is our theme for the Week of Prayer that we conducted in Advent Hill Primary School last March 17 to 21 of this year. I reminisced the time when I was invited to speak during the Week of Prayer at Cebu Seventh-Day Adventist Elementary School. Time is running so fast! Now, God opened another time to experience this. Another set of students, another kind of blessings! I could say so because this time, we were teaching about prophecy. Ate Maya and I alternately taught the primary and preschool students. What’s more amazing is that 80% of the students in this school are not Seventh-Day Adventists. What a privilege to introduce the truth and Jesus to these young minds!

  Teaching the preschool students is certainly an inspiration! Inspired that even though I’m not getting a response to the questions asked from some of them, I can see that in their young thoughts, God is inspiring them to understand; thus, the answer can be seen in their so-amazed and cute expressions. Pictures are very helpful for them: something to visualize on makes a lasting impression. They follow in singing the songs not with their eyes but with their ears! Illustrations are even more attractive to this baby group. 

The preschool students with their teachers
attentive children listening to Second Coming story

   When I did the Sabbath illustration to them, my heart was so overwhelmed. As they saw the different juices poured out, their eyes were fixed on it. They saw the difference of the Sabbath among the other days of the week: the day God rested, blessed, and sanctified! Appealing to their young hearts and minds, they all wanted to taste and experience the blessing of the Seventh Day! I was even more enthralled when a 5-year old kid was able to recite the Exodus 20:8 memory verse. Awesome little children!

    Teaching the other group, which are the primary students, was astounding! In every question asked, many hands would go up in the air; many wanted to voice out what they know from reading the Bible. Their participation shows that they have been excellently taught by their teachers; and I am likewise humbled for their additional learning on the presentations. I Praise God for the non-Adventist students who were able to hear and learn Bible truths for the entire week!

The primary students
Ate Maya teaching on the Second Coming
A student answering a question about Millennium

with Allan, holding the Prophecy Bible
    What’s even more amazing is the 14-year old student named Allan, who came from a non-Adventist family and whose father was a pastor. He approached his teachers as questions sprung up in his mind when Ate Maya taught on the Sabbath truth and when I presented the Millennium topic. We believe that the Holy Spirit impressed the heart of this boy on the truths that he heard for such topics. Since our schedules would not allow us to give him further Bible studies, I opted to lend him my Amazing Facts Prophecy Bible; so he could for the meantime study by himself, along with the Bible markings and Adventist doctrines. Praying that the truth would become crystal clear to him; and that God might reveal His purpose of bringing this child to the Adventist school – possibly, to be an instrument in leading his family to believe what he will discover upon digging the precious treasures in the Word.

     During the Week of Prayer, we had two chances of visiting Faraja Childrens Home, which is an orphanage up in a place called Ngong. We got the invitation from Mrs. Martha Moraa, who happened to attend the Child Evangelism training which we recently concluded. She is a mother of 55 kids in the said orphanage. I said, wow! It’s such a patience-building and a great sacrifice to take care of children from 7-month old to 17 years of age. In our second visit, we were privileged to share them about Jesus and His creations. Ate Maya was the one who led the singing and I taught the Bible story. It was a delightful experience to reinforce what the children knew about the topic. They are so behaved, attentive, and brilliant! Looking forward to visit the place and tell more about Jesus to these children, by the grace of God!

the children while listening to the story
presenting the Creation topic 
with Ma'am Martha (sitting far left), the children, and other mothers at the orphanage
with the school principal who presented the gift
  As we culminated the Week of Prayer, though quite sad for we will surely be missing the kids, but it was a joyous and splendid experience. We had a surprise from the school! Then, I again remember the simple token that I received during the Week of Prayer in Cebu, Philippines: it’s the same!
  Can you guess what’s in the box? It’s a pink shoulder bag! Oh, I was really touched and amazed because Ma’am Sarah rightly guessed my favorite color. Grateful to the Lord for unexpected blessings!
the children enjoying my hair
  Spending few hours before we leave, the children really loved to be in our company. They wanted us to come back again: surely, this is what I've consistently heard from the lips of the children since I started ministering to them. It's certainly a  motivation to be with them again as Jesus loved to be with His precious lambs. I really had fun with them and inspired when some told me that they wanted to be missionaries too.
a balloon to be remembered and the written inspiration
      Finally, before we left the school during the culmination day, I've got an idea of having as much names written in a balloon. Kids came and all wanted to write their names on it. Suddenly, a girl came running and whispered these words in my ear, “My friend and I are thinking that you are so inspiring!” Oh, how it truly melted and made my heart fat! Praises to God for being a vessel of blessing and inspiration to these children.